Sunday, February 13, 2011

Live in the Moment or Save Your Future?

This has got to be one of the toughest decisions to make….at some point we all feel like we need to splurge and go buy something big and grand or go out and start having an amazing social life where bottles are popping and money is being blown.  What is the age limit on that though?  At what age does life make us transition from that 21 party and bullshit stage to the OH SHIT I need to save for a down payment on a house stage?.. Like everything else in life…no two people are ever exactly the same…the age and stage always varies and its rough to match your goals up with the person your with.  Each person may say they want to be mature and start saving up for a house or an apartment but in the back of one of their minds they really want to still have a crazy social life at some points.  NOT being on the same page is what sometimes bites people hard when they’re in relationships.  but just the other day when I was having a quick drink before going to do some shopping I saw a man at the bar I knew for a few years…somewhere in his mid 20’s and he was with a few of his buddies all around the same age.  All of them having a great time drinking, laughing, and having one hell of a time…the only issue was when the bill came; they drank their way in too deep.  Eventually one guy covered the 350 dollar tab the other guys thanked him and were so fortunate they didn’t have to pay for a good time that night.  Once his buddies left I heard the guy mention to the lady next to him at the bar…”I don’t know what I was thinking for spending 400 tonight but another day another dollar to be spent…we’re supposed to live life right?” .  well I don’t like to judge normally but at your mid 20’s approaching the 30’s soon& I thought this guy would have split the bill with his buddies and saved 300 dollars or so towards maybe getting an apartment?...JUST A THOUGHT.   THAT GUY WAS ME…I was living life at it’s fullest not giving a shit about money…I was living at home, content about not paying rent, not paying for much, I only knew how to go out and waste money on things that I couldn’t remember in the morning…the only evidence I had as a memory of the night before was my pending transactions at the bar I saw in my bank account.  DAMN did I really just spend 400 last night? Can I return it? NOPE…life doesn’t and shouldn’t go backwards…this isn’t a Benjamin Button story…instead we should be learning and moving forward.  THANK GOD I grew out of that lifestyle quickly…I learned the meaning of the dollar, I learned what it meant to save couple thousand ... I learned what was worth hundreds of dollars and really anything that could not be returned shouldn’t be splurged upon because then it’s not a true investment of your hard earned money.  People always tell me go out, live your life…why save money…live in the moment in case you’re gone tomorrow….WELL I came to the conclusion that I’m going to Live and not just for the moment…I can’t stand the thoughts of WHAT IF’s…if I’m still here when I’m 50 and all I did was live in the moment for 15 years wasting money then I’ll be broke as hell and maybe still living with my parents??? But if I just LIVE and save and do things I want; then my LIfE will be right on track with my Goals.

P.s. don’t live under a rock like a hermit…don’t live like a rockstar when your salary is a manager, live a LIfE that is your OWN and remember one thing… “Whatever you do, do it in Moderation”

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Workin out Will make things Take its Shape

its been approximately two weeks since i've rejoined my gym and i'm just now starting to see some improvement.  started gaining muscle back where fat was, starting to lose fat where my abs were, and most importantly my mind is being worked out constantly too.  over the past week i've been in charge of working on some very big projects at work...well huge projects...projects netting at half million dollars in profits.  The thought of that alone put me in the driver seat and i had one decision....DRIVE.  when opportunities are presented to me..good or bad...i understand that i gotta take them and work at them.  nothing in life will improve without someone working at it.  i've come to notice that a lot of people around me now a days are wanting results without working at the issue.  How can people be so demanding and expecting change when the change they want is within themselves??.  I, myself realized this a long time ago when i needed to transform myself from a follower to a leader.  since a young age my father always told me that "our family is full of leaders, we aren't followers...we'll leave that to the Jones' family".  yea yea yea i used to always made it but i'm in no position to be as great as you.  Negativity was eating my brain away...i was falling into the follower category, not wanting to do anything great or use my mind to find a way to be a leader. it wasn't until fourth grade when i received a book about people in the world who made a difference and changed the world.   the one that stuck out the most and the person i did my book report on was Martin Luther King Jr....with it being black history month i felt that this would be the most appropriate time to speak about this.  My book report was so GED but the thought and motivation it gave me was phenomenal.  I could not get over the idea that a man that was just like every other man alive was treated differently due to his skin tone.  i could not imagine what it must have been like to be MLK Jr when he was getting treated so horribly but he told himself to keep going.  Threats, Bombings, and unfortunately til' his death this man worked and worked and worked until he got the change he lived and died for.  Once reading through out the book i noticed that every great person in the world that made a difference and was written in the pages of history were not followers; yet they were leaders in their own ventures...fighting for what they believed was right, doing what they wanted too, and living their lives to better others around them.  It all made sense at such a young age...My family is made of Leaders, we are innovators in society...we should work just like every other human being but make a difference and be known for the great things we can achieve; not wait for another person to achieve it and then follow.  i don't want to be famous or be known...i want to make a difference and be a leader of people that look for a path to success.

P.s...are you a follower or a leader? Where is your desk in the office? do you have a dream to own your own company? are you looking forward toward managing or content with your followings?...LIfE isn't about following others to success...its about leading 

LIfE-STYLES: I recently noted long hair is coming back into style...well UMMMMM...i already have mine growing since september so YEAH i've been up on it...but heres some of the styles that i like with long hair included
Summer Time: MINUS THE JESUS SANDLES on the left,r:0,s:0

Friday, February 4, 2011


This is one of the greatest things we all try to obtain in life...our Dream.   In a discussion a few months ago, i remember a person close to me telling me that dreams are something that are supposed to be had not LIVED....WHY?.  after a long debate with the person it ended with two separate opinions on dreams as the conversation had begun.  Who am i to tell another human being that their own personal opinion about something is wrong....i'd be out of my realm to judge another's opinion.  I feel as though if we have dreams while were sleeping and reviving the body with rest and our minds are at ease..why shouldn't we try to obtain the gracious things we dream of?.  I mean we all have different dreams and we are always having different dreams about different things...people, cars, vacations, lifestyles..etc....but have you ever noticed the one common thing that stays the same in all of your dreams...YOU ARE HAPPY.  So when this person thought to tell me that dreams were supposed to be something had and not lived...i wanted to ask them why they didn't want to be truly happy but i refrained from going deeper into a conversation that was going to lead nowhere.  There are two types of people that i find in life...the ones that can take something and make something...and the ones that take something for only what its worth.  Throughout history I believe a lot would not have been achieved if all people were of the latter type.  I.E. if a caveman were to look a rock and see it just as a big rock because that was all it was worth...WELL then there would never have been a wheel.  I think that people need to see things for what they are and accept it but also after acceptance they need to see those things for what they can be.  This doesn't just apply to the rock turning into a wheel but it goes much deeper as you look at a person you love.  You must first accept the person you love for who they are...but then you must also look deeper and see their potential for who/what they can be.  everything in life can serve more then just one sole purpose...and if you find something that can't well then you just may not be thinking along the right path and that path will never have any exits and your life will lead you to one place...THE END

P.s. Take a look around you today where ever you may be reading this and just look at all the objects around you...find the deeper meaning or another use for people or objects that you are around...Put your mind to work by opening it

Life-STYLES: i still think it's cold enough to wear my Henleys, but i think this summer i'm going to yearn for some short sleeve ones in some BRIGHT colors...TIME TO GET SHOPPING...SUMMER GEAR SHOPPING SEASON is in full effect

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


As i'm getting slammed with another winter weather storm warning and already 4 feet of snow piled up on the ground here in the northeast its making me wonder "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME...OR MAYBE THE EARTH?".   Working for your parents company doesn't give you any snow days...there is only more responsibilities..i.e...plowing the snow in the parking lot for all the employees, clearing the snow at your house, clearing your family's snow because they all work at the family business.  There is no such thing as getting snowed may have a few minutes to look out your window and see the 14 inches that piled up last night but after those few minutes you know you'll be in it clearing all of it...and to top that off you know you'll be working your eight hour shift after its all cleared. Determination is key when it comes to facing responsibilities...but at the same time you also need to think smartly about what you could possibly do to help this situation.  Here comes a few fun facts about my life...Didn't want to know this but, i was conceived in Disney world florida, a week after i was born i was back in disney...every year since i've been born i've been in florida at least once but mostly on average i would be there 3 or 4 father and i once took a day trip to florida when i was around the age of as it stands FLORIDA has always been a part of me...i love it as much as i love my life.  since i started looking into colleges in high school i always thought i would end up being in florida...taking my chances to go see how i liked living there full time...unfortunately an ex-gf got in my path before i was able to commit to a school in west palm beach and i decided to stay back for here and spent 5 years in college where i am now free to make any decisions i please because i have a degree and no ex-gf to control me...WAIT...i have a GF that i met a year ago and she wishes not to leave NJ.   The never ending cycle of not being able to do what i've always wanted to do because of another person i love kind of holding me back emotionally.  Do i stay or do I go? the question and decision is one that will always come back to haunt a person if they make the wrong the current time the decision is between a girl i love and a place i've lived for 23 years or to go see what my dreams hold for me in florida but lose a person i love.  lying around in a bed for 8 hours for the past two days still hasn't made the situation one bit easier...i dont think this decision could be made without both people getting hurt...but there are two types of hurt after a relationship as a wise man once told me...a hurt due to the heart lacking that persons warmth and love that its used to...this type of hurt normally last longer than the next hurt....the second hurt is the true hurt i feel like...its the hurt you feel from actually analyzing the relationship ...acknowledging the reasons behind a split...acknowledging how much each person put into the relationship...once a person is able to breakdown the causes and reason out the situation the mind is able to tell the heart that it should no longer hurt because life is all about reasoning.  newton maybe needed to discover a new that includes decisions and how they can have a negative and positive effect on a situation or person.  i'm starting to realize that sometimes hurt is best for the mind and heart...maybe its like muscle; in order to build new muscle and get stronger you must tear the old muscle...maybe you need to tear your heart and tear your mind apart with difficult decisions so that way they both become stronger.  Never have anything hold you back in life...always remember that God made you, so God should be the only one able to stop you....Make the decision...understand the hurt...and lastly...LIVE YOUR LIFE


P.s. How long will you hurt? simple each person will hurt only for as long as it takes them to understand why they are hurting...the mind controls pain for the body therefore if you can understand the minds reason for the pain in your heart the faster you may be able to heal it

LIfE-Styles:...Kick It To The Curb..Walkin Away...&Jumping for Success... This shoes can get you walking with a different tempo even on your down days...I NEED THEM NOW...cudn't pick one i like so i posted the whole collection