Sunday, February 13, 2011

Live in the Moment or Save Your Future?

This has got to be one of the toughest decisions to make….at some point we all feel like we need to splurge and go buy something big and grand or go out and start having an amazing social life where bottles are popping and money is being blown.  What is the age limit on that though?  At what age does life make us transition from that 21 party and bullshit stage to the OH SHIT I need to save for a down payment on a house stage?.. Like everything else in life…no two people are ever exactly the same…the age and stage always varies and its rough to match your goals up with the person your with.  Each person may say they want to be mature and start saving up for a house or an apartment but in the back of one of their minds they really want to still have a crazy social life at some points.  NOT being on the same page is what sometimes bites people hard when they’re in relationships.  but just the other day when I was having a quick drink before going to do some shopping I saw a man at the bar I knew for a few years…somewhere in his mid 20’s and he was with a few of his buddies all around the same age.  All of them having a great time drinking, laughing, and having one hell of a time…the only issue was when the bill came; they drank their way in too deep.  Eventually one guy covered the 350 dollar tab the other guys thanked him and were so fortunate they didn’t have to pay for a good time that night.  Once his buddies left I heard the guy mention to the lady next to him at the bar…”I don’t know what I was thinking for spending 400 tonight but another day another dollar to be spent…we’re supposed to live life right?” .  well I don’t like to judge normally but at your mid 20’s approaching the 30’s soon& I thought this guy would have split the bill with his buddies and saved 300 dollars or so towards maybe getting an apartment?...JUST A THOUGHT.   THAT GUY WAS ME…I was living life at it’s fullest not giving a shit about money…I was living at home, content about not paying rent, not paying for much, I only knew how to go out and waste money on things that I couldn’t remember in the morning…the only evidence I had as a memory of the night before was my pending transactions at the bar I saw in my bank account.  DAMN did I really just spend 400 last night? Can I return it? NOPE…life doesn’t and shouldn’t go backwards…this isn’t a Benjamin Button story…instead we should be learning and moving forward.  THANK GOD I grew out of that lifestyle quickly…I learned the meaning of the dollar, I learned what it meant to save couple thousand ... I learned what was worth hundreds of dollars and really anything that could not be returned shouldn’t be splurged upon because then it’s not a true investment of your hard earned money.  People always tell me go out, live your life…why save money…live in the moment in case you’re gone tomorrow….WELL I came to the conclusion that I’m going to Live and not just for the moment…I can’t stand the thoughts of WHAT IF’s…if I’m still here when I’m 50 and all I did was live in the moment for 15 years wasting money then I’ll be broke as hell and maybe still living with my parents??? But if I just LIVE and save and do things I want; then my LIfE will be right on track with my Goals.

P.s. don’t live under a rock like a hermit…don’t live like a rockstar when your salary is a manager, live a LIfE that is your OWN and remember one thing… “Whatever you do, do it in Moderation”

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