So happy when you finally say it...remember that what you say is not necessarily how you feel. I mean how many times can you have the same arguments over the same things before finally realizing that your ripping apart your relationship. IS IT WORTH IT??...the fight or the relationship...which is more important..WAIT; OH YEA THERE ARE TWO PEOPLE IN even though you may decide you want the relationship or the fight...the other person in it may not want the same thing. Everyone always tells us you have to "sit down and discuss whats bothering you"...well in todays LIfE who has the time to sit down...i mean even if we were to sit down we would probably have a cell phone, t.v., facebook, or some other kind of distraction going on. This is what its boiled down to in my eye...DISTRACTIONS. You want to live your life make everything perfect with a perfect partner and a perfect can you manage that when all you have going through your head is news feeds, statuses, gossip, fights with your partner about not seeing eye to eye. In the years before technology there weren't all these distractions; WE USED TO BE ABLE TO SIT DOWN AND TALK. Today say one wrong thing and that person is off in lala land picking out a friend from a internet society to vent to. How do we achieve excellence within our relationships? they always say that practice makes perfect BUT i don't want to be with someone that's been with everyone. So as your sitting around doing paperwork, watching the Jersey Shore, or doing whatever your heart desires ask yourself this...Why are we always trying to make decisions based on the past rather then the present? I mean after all what is done is done and what is said is said RIGHT?...proactively thinking and basing decisions in the present on what may happen in the future may not be the answer either...WE GOTTA LIVE IN THE MOMENT...Do What you Gotta do to simple a caveman Did it
Ps. take some time out of you day and have some alone time...proactively think, meditate, lay in bed watching the fan spin...RELAX AND THINK...where do you want to be and what is holding you from getting there?
Music of the Day: came on my ipod yesterday and could not help myself but to sing it...sounded pretty damn good...maybe i'll try out for idol??
LIfE-STYLE: gotta get an outfit like this? SHOPPING TIME,760&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=452&vpy=253&dur=110&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=114&ty=112&oei=KkE4TbWaJY72gAf8uISuCA&esq=5&page=2&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:23&biw=1280&bih=685
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